2013年8月26日 星期一

Actuator solutions in power plant

In the most frequently used duty, the Contrac actuator follows an technology analogue setpoint signal in continuous operation. As the torque or force increases or decreases smoothly, the mechanical components are not subjected to load peaks. This technology facilitates long service intervals and a long service life of the actuator and actuating element. In this material-friendly duty, Contrac systems can also be operated when control commands are received as embedded systems pulses from a step controller. In this way, the embedded systems user can benefit from these unique operating features even in older plants, which frequently still use step control or simple open-closed commands. Torques and forces can be set independently of each other as well as the direction of motion. This can either be set via single board computer or a torque/force characteristic curve. The speed settings are made in a similar manner.

refer to: http://www.power-eng.com/articles/print/volume-117/issue-8/features/opportunities-to-improve-efficiency.html

